General Instruction
Can Delivery Date Calendar be in different language?
Yes, delivery date calendar can be merchant specfic langauge, they can select language from "Select Language" in general setting.
How to configure Delivery datepicker in app?
If you want to show delivery date label/title, then enable the "Show Datepicker label on Website?" option.If "Datepicker label" is enable then add a label which you want to show in your website cart page.If you want your customer to see the date format on your website then enable the "Show Date Format on Website?" option.Select the date format from "Date Format".
How to make delivery date required in cart page?
Enable the "Delivery Date is Required Field?".Add a validation message in "Validation Message When Delivery Date is Required". A alert message will show to the customer, if they have not selected the delivery date.
How to configure delivery time in app?
If you want to keep delivery time on your website then enable the "Show Time on Front?" and follow below points.You can make delivery time field required by enable the "Time is Required Field?".Add delivery time title on "Delivery Time Title" which will show on website cart page.Add delivery time label on "Time Default option label", if not added it will take default label "Choose Time".Add Delivery time according to you with comma (",") separated values like: (12:00PM to 2:00PM, 4:00PM to 6:00PM)
Can merchant add notes on website through delivery date pro app?
Yes, merchant can add some additional note on their website.To dispaly note section on website then enable the "Show Notes on Website?"Add notes to "Notes" field here you can use the ck editor tools to make your note look attractive and good.
What if Add Block Days Interval is enable?
If Add Block Days Interval is enable, then extra days will be added for "Minimum Date Interval" due to Blocked Days.
Can merchant block particular day for delivery like(sunday)?
Yes, a merchant can block delivery days if they don't deliver on that day.Just have to click on days in "Block Day(s)" which they want to block. On blocked days user won't able to select it as a delivery date.
Can merchant block particular date?
Yes, a merchant can add dates in "Blocked Date(s)". List of dates will be blocked for delivery so the user won't be able to select it for the order delivery.
Is their any option to specify pre-order time?
Yes, If your store takes order before "X" months then you can specify the "X" in "Allowed Pre-order Time". This option will allow user to book order before "X" number of Months on the Website.
What is the purpose of Minimum Date Interval?
Purpose of Minimum Date Interval is that if you want your user to select delivery date after "X" day from the order date then you have to put "X" in "Minimum Date Interval" block. For "Today Delivery" it should be "0" otherwise it should be the interval of days from the current day to allow user to select delivery date. For example: If you have put 1 day as minimum interval then the user have no the option to select the date when they are ordering, option for selecting delivery date will start from next day.
How to show calendar visible on website?
To show calendar visible on cart page of website, then enable the "Show Calendar visible by default".
Is their any option for by default next avaliable date is selected?
Enable the "Next available date set as a selected", to show next avalivable date for delivery in cart page.
How to show selected delivery date on admin order infromation?
If a merchant want to see the selected delivery date by customer for particular order in admin orders then enable the "Add Delivery Information under Order Instructions".
What if Merchant Activates Cut-Off Time?
For "Next Day Delivery" if the cut off time is enabled & set then it will allow user to select day after the "Minimum Date Interval"(Explained above) as first available delivery date.
What is Additional CSS for?
If a merchant want to make different look for delivery date, they can add additional CSS.
How a merchant can manage order within app?
Yes a merchant can manage order from "Manage Order" button at the top of the app. In manage order page all the orders will display with selected date and time.On above table today's Delivery and This week's delivery number of orders will display. On click particular day or particular week orders will show.Here merchant can sort the orders by dates and by status.A merchant can export Sheet of orders by click on "Export to CSV".Show order data for all products means name and email of customer in order will be repeated for every product in CSV File.
What are Cut Off Settings?
Cut off Settings are for adding Cut Off Time for Each Individual Weekday i.e Multiple Cut Off Time.
What is delivery time setting?
In this a merchant can set delivery time day wise and also add count of delivery on that time slot. Set Yes to "Use Global Delivery Time" if a merchant don't want to use individual delivery time for all days. If it is set to Yes, then delivery time in general setting will show for all days.
Notes for adding JQuery into Theme
In case if you don’t see the date picker on your cart page then check for the jquery link in your theme.liquid file.If there is no jquery script then add below short-code in it and then refresh your cart page.Now try to open date picker again.
Notes for adding Datepicker into Popup cart
In case you want to add a date picker in your popup cart then you need to go for using the “Copy” option as shown below and paste the following code into your popup cart page.